Act No. 311/2001 of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic - Labour Code - basic OSH requirements and established working conditions
Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 124/2006 Coll. on Occupational Health and Safety and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended.
Act No. 125/2006 Coll. of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic on labour inspection and on amendment and supplementation of Act No. 82/2005 Coll. on illegal work and illegal employment and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended.
Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, promotion and development of public health and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended.
Requirements for the safety of technical equipment (Act No. 508/2009 Coll.), instruction in accordance with § 17, prohibition of operating of technical equipment without certificates and authorizations to operate in z. n. p.
Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic No. 147/2013 Coll., which establishes details for ensuring safety and health protection during construction and related works and details of professional competence for the performance of certain work activities, as amended.
Act No. 462/2007 Coll. on the organisation of working time in transport and on amendment and supplementation of Act No. 125/2006 Coll. on labour inspection and on amendment and supplementation of Act No. 82/2005 Coll. on illegal work and illegal employment and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended.
National Decree No. 272/2004 Coll., establishing a list of jobs and workplaces prohibited for pregnant women, mothers up to the end of the ninth month after childbirth and breastfeeding women, a list of jobs and workplaces associated with specific risks for pregnant women, mothers up to the end of the ninth month after childbirth and breastfeeding women and establishing certain obligations for employers when employing such women, n.e.c.
Slovak Government Decree No. 286/2004 Coll., establishing a list of jobs and workplaces that are prohibited for underage employees and establishing certain obligations for employers when employing underage employees, as amended.
Slovak Government Decree No. 276/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for working with imaging units
Slovak Government Decree No. 395/2006 Coll. on minimum requirements for the provision and use of personal protective equipment
Slovak National Assembly No. 115/2006 Coll. on minimum health and safety requirements for the protection of employees against risks related to noise explosion, n.e.c.
Slovak Government Decree No. 392/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment
Slovak National Assembly No. 281/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for manual handling of loads
Slovak Government Decree No. 387/2006 Coll. on requirements for ensuring safety and health marking at work
Slovak National Assembly No. 355/2006 Coll. on the protection of employees against risks related to exposure to chemical agents at work, as amended.
Act No. 377/2004 Coll. on the protection of non-smokers, as amended, as amended.
Slovak National Assembly No. 391/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace, as amended.
NV SR No. 396/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for construction sites, n.e.c. Familiarisation with the requirements for ensuring work safety set out in the technical documentation of the machinery, technical equipment and work equipment used
/ information on safe use, inspection, maintenance, repair /
Internal regulations:
- Basic safety regulation
- Procedures for checking the ingestion of alcohol, narcotics. and psychotropic substances
- Guideline for the handling of electrical equipment by instructed persons
- Provision of personal protective equipment
- Basic duties in the event of accidents at work
- Provision of preventive medical examinations in relation to work
- Health and safety requirements when working with displays. units
- Education - staff training
- Provision of protective drinks
- Safety regulation for kettles and microwave ovens
- Safety regulation for working with loads
- Safety regulation for determining the conditions relating to the operation of ladders and racks
- Safety regulation for working with hand-held power tools
- Safety regulation warning symbols
- Pandemic plan-employer's approach to preventing COVID-19
- Safety regulation for changing grinding wheels
- Safety regulations for the handling of chemicals and warning symbols
- Safety regulation for the operation of lifting equipment
- Safety regulation for work at height and above free depth
Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 314/2001 Coll. on Fire Protection, as amended Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic No. 121/2002 Coll. on Fire Prevention, as amended.Familiarisation with the general requirements for fire protection in buildings and premises of a legal entity or natural person-entrepreneurExplanation of the fire hazards characteristic of the relevant workplace, in particular fire protection measures at the workplace, fire regulations of the workplace, fire protection in technological processes, the method of declaring a fire alarm in a legal entity or a natural person-entrepreneur and at workplaces, the obligations of employees in the event of fire arising from fire alarm directives and the fire evacuation planThe scope of fire protection training is extended for senior employees to include familiarisation with the special regulations, the fire hazards arising from the activities of a legal person or natural person-entrepreneur and the basics of combustion and extinguishing processes, the basic requirements of fire safety in buildings, the principles of fire safety in the storage and handling of combustible substances for activities associated with increased fire hazards
Occupational health and safety education project: Within the scope of Group 01 occupational health and safety and the working conditions laid down. The education and training project is adapted to the nature of the work carried out by the employee, his workplace and other circumstances, in accordance with paragraph 5) §7 of Act No.124/2006 Coll. on occupational safety and health protection and on amendments and supplements to certain acts.
The aim of education and training employees and managers in the field of occupational safety and health and the established working conditions is to provide the participants with general and basic knowledge in this area - legal, technical, psychological, to the extent strictly necessary for the exercise of the profession. The aim of the education and training of employees and managers is for the participants in a given education and training activity to acquire and demonstrate the professional knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the legal provisions and other regulations for ensuring occupational safety and health and the ability to implement the requirements for ensuring occupational safety and health in practice.
Forms and methods of education and training the theoretical training is in the form of lectures with the use of didactic aids, technical and material equipment and the practical training includes lectures with the use of projection on a screen (trainers' own audio/video materials)
Venue training of employees and managers is tailored to customer requirements. A written record shall be made of the course of the final verification of knowledge, including in particular: the names and surnames of the members of the examination board, the name and surname of the participant in the educational and training activity, the examination questions or test, the evaluation of the examination board with a final result of 'pass' or 'fail', the place and date of the final verification of knowledge.
The professional management of the course is the responsibility of the professional representative Ing. Jozef Kyzek. The curriculum with the specified number of hours and the curriculum of education and training of employees and managers are developed on the basis of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No.124/2006 Coll. on Occupational Safety and Health at Work and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts § 27 education and training, on the basis of government regulations, decrees and other regulations on the basic requirements for ensuring safety at work and technical equipment, and according to the binding legal regulations and standards. The employer shall provide occupational safety and health education and training, in accordance with the principles of safe work, the principles of occupational health, the principles of safe behaviour in the workplace and safe working practices and the established working conditions for employees and managers, aimed in particular at training on legal and other regulations for ensuring occupational safety and health, information and guidance on health and safety at work, in particular in the form of familiarisation with the risks, the results of risk assessments and measures to protect against the effects of work-related risks.